Our Story

How it started?

When working at an investment bank in 2018, I became aware that long term investment strategies depend on our ability to carry on business as usual. Insurers invest the premiums you pay, with the intention to generate a fair return, which lets them pay you when you have a claim. Pension funds invest in areas, which will allow them to pay you pensions when you reach a certain age.

And that means ‘you consume what you always do, educate your kids the exact same way you did, expect them to work exactly how you did, and when they went on to make their choices, expect them to follow a blueprint that you followed.’

But my son was 10 at that time, we had moved from Doha to Chennai to London in those 10 years of his life, and he saw three educational settings, different friends, different lifestyles.

Defining moments

The world around us was telling me a different story. A bunch of young footballers, roughly my son’s age were trapped in a cave that was flooded. A young coach was helping them stay resilient. None of what they did to get them safe and alive, followed convention. My son connected with these events in ways that I didn’t.

What if the world that a young person wants, is not the status quo?

Seek and you shall find

For the next three years, I spent my evenings and weekends, understanding how the formative years worked, as my son needs to navigate the 16 to 30 age group, when education, relationships, work, consumption, investment and everything else you can imagine, takes shape.

I spoke with thousands of people, read books, analysed market data, and genereally enjoyed myself sarcastically laughing at the eerie absense of ‘status quo’.

As a dad, I can share these with my son and help him prepare for it, but?

Double Standards?

Should I prepare my son, with this insight, when I know that the world gives everyone else’s son/ daughter a different viewpoint?

I am not that cheap, am I?

Helix was born, on a planet for independent thinking.

I started writing on Substack, sharing my insights on LinkedIn, scribbling my notes into a book, and felt connected with thousands of other dads and mums who saw the changes taking place.

They gave their time to listen to me, shared insights, introduced me to other people, and worked their asses off, to help me find the answers I was seeking.

And with their sons and daughters joining the movement, giving me data every few months on what they preferred at school, work, shop, how they socialise, what happens when they moved away from home, which brands they prefer, and why.

The ‘Why’ became so large, the ‘How’ was obvious.

When the "why" becomes so compelling, that it resonates deeply with individuals, the "how" reveals itself with remarkable clarity. This pivotal shift in understanding transforms abstract aspirations, into actionable strategies.

I recognised that as younger generations increasingly demand purposeful change—whether in sustainability, equity, or technological advancement—the pathways to realisation become not only visible but also attainable.

By focusing on the motivations driving today’s market dynamics, it’s entirely possible to empower investors and innovators alike to forge ahead with confidence, knowing that once the purpose is identified, the methods to achieve it will naturally unfold. The future is shaped by those who dare to ask why, leading to clear and innovative solutions for tomorrow's challenges.

There isn’t just the status quo. There is a sustainable future. And there isn’t just one sustainable future. But one, for each of us. There isn’t just one path to that sustainable future. There is one for each of us.

So where are you heading to, now?

My friend. My wife. My co-founder.

A silent warrior, super connector, holding me accountable to the future we were creating for our son, as well as other people’s sons and daughters. To know about her, visit her website.

Why build an investment research firm for that?

Unshackling from the status quo necessitates a bold vision of market domination, demanding a strategic approach that encompasses the entire capital stack. To navigate this new landscape, a redefined 'True North' is imperative—one that aligns the compasses of innovators and disruptors towards a collective goal. As some vessels, helmed by incumbent brands, cling to outdated methodologies, they may find themselves adrift, unable to reach their desired shores without a fundamental course correction.

Operating across the capital stack requires an unwavering commitment to disruptive innovation and transformative leadership. It is through this lens that organisations can unlock untapped potential, redefine industries, and foster sustainable growth. Embracing this paradigm shift is not only hyper profitable; it is essential for survival in an ever-evolving market. Only those willing to pivot, to challenge the norms, and to lead with audacity will chart a course for success in the future economic landscape. We Imagined a Tomorrow, and decided to Act on it, Today.

We saw that in a hundred listed companies, their supply chain, their employees, shareholders, channel partners, and in the communities they served.

What if, this hundred, can set the benchmark, to an unrestrained growth, that does not deplete the environment we thrive in, but energises it? This needed a fundamental change in the DNA of capitalism.

And Helix.Earth was born, on July 14, 2021 as a Limited Company, based in Suffolk, England.

Adversity hits, You cower. I don’t.

From the day, I started this work in 2018, I lost three parents. And two of those losses, have been unreconcilable.

How is it possible to have three? My father -in - law, was more of a dad, than anything else.

The world experienced an invasion, a cost of living crisis, food shortages, it exposed the raw, fear and aggression driven response in people, corporates, and governments. Yet we saw some of them, taking a different view.

Some saw a crisis of opportunity, while we saw opportunities in the crisis.

We conducted two proof of concept engagements, which taught us, among other things, that understanding this megatrend, means that people had to spend some time with us.

We were being held together by a leading UK university, a leading UK bank, 3 consulting firms that were experts in sustainable transformation, a firm that is a global leader in corporate innovation, and a number of communities/ collectives that worked on sustainability, climate change, and circularity.

We tried elevator pitches, and people thought we were a tech firm.

We did 30 min pitch sessions, and received recommendations to approach a charity, or offer a donations page and setup ourselves as a charity.

We wrote down the feedback and gave it a good thought. We expanded the coverage of our newsletter, continued work on LinkedIn, I spoke at many events, started a YouTube channel, created podcasts.

We then partnered with a leading prime brokerage to babysit our stock index, until we launched to the public. Being a nanny means that they give us the market data, trade systems, risk calibration engines, regulatory compliance as per the FCA, and access to institutional investors that they work with.

Execution Bias

In late 2022, we had moved houses, just 2 streets away. If you had read my newsletters back then, you would have an idea of what was going on. It’s owned by a nice gentlemen and we rented it from him. Since then, we’ve had conversations on how to execute this. This wonderful gentlemen joined us early 2024 to become our Chief Operating Officer. To know more about him, please visit his LinkedIn.

Until mid Nov 2023, I was in full time employment with a firm, that prides itself on its ethics and employee wellbeing. This firm, gave me an interest free loan when the floods hit Chennai, gave me an opportunity to work with its industry leading sustainability group which covers everything from salt to software, sent me on executive programmes to learn breakthrough innovation, and transformational leadership with leading global universities. It had nourished me, with the most friendly colleagues on the planet, endless opportunities to bring my network, as clients to the firm, and an ability to shape my team the way I wanted.

When the weather changes, some animals grow a coat of fur, some burrow, some fly south. With a management change, I was asked to move back to India, but that meant a full stop to my career, as well as the future for my son. I wrote back, appealing the decision, but was asked to move to India first, and then raise the appeal.

If I didn’t have a dream, that was OK. But I had a dream that wouldn’t let me sleep. I stayed put, and was forced to resign.

With that change in circumstance, I suddenly had lots of time in hand to build Helix.Earth, but also had very little time to pay all the bills since there isn’t a paycheck landing up at the bank.

We consolidated our build, into a cutting edge hub, called Helix 360, where we do all of our work with clients.

Where are we now?

We built Helix 360, our hub where we host all our content, and enable transactions for our investment, and advisory work.

Our stock index has been calibrated and is ready to launch.

We have recently signed a partnership with a leading firm, for commercial finance broking.

Our next steps

  1. Launch our stock index for institutional use.

  2. Improve access to our model portfolios, through a partner network

  3. Launch our community fundraise.

  4. Enhance our offerings in the SME, and startup space.

  5. Enhance our offerings for people in early careers.

  6. Improve the ability for our network of financial and investment professionals to gain monetary value from their engagement with us.

  7. Improve the ability for our network of sustainability experts to offer services.

  8. Prepare for regulatory approvals for our index, in line for a public launch by mid- 2026

  9. Work with a pipeline of fund managers to help them launch index funds, based on our IP.

  10. Explore the next set of markets - probably EU and US.

How can you contribute now?

We have been working on this since 2018, so the best way to be part of this journey is to join us on Helix 360.

Since this is a body of knowledge, you don’t find elsewhere, Helix 360 is not free to use.

However, in order for people to try our hub, we offer Karma Credits which give you upto 3 months free access. While being voluntary to pay us back, it helps us offer free access to Helix 360 for other clients. You can ask us for Karma Credits, and we are more than hapy to give it to you.

For those who can afford to pay, and to those who repay Karma Credits, our gratitude is deep. What goes around, comes around, isn’t it?